Graduate Students
Alex Aaberg - MA Student
B.S. Biology & B.S. Psychology, Iowa State University
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Forensic Anthropology, Victim Identification, Human Osteology, Skeletal Trauma, and
Forensic Taphonomy
Emmanuel Adeniyi - MS Student
B.S. Surveying & Geoinformatics, Federal University of Technology Akure
Advisor: Dr. Lei Wang
GIS, Hydrography, Cartography, Mapping
Kelvin Asare - PhD Student
B.A. Archaeology & Information Studies, University of Ghana
MPhil Archaeology, University of Ghana
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Ghanian Archaeology, GIS, Remote Sensing, Heritage Studies, and Landscape Archaeology
Basant Awasthi - PhD Student
B.S. Geomatics, Kathmandu University
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
Kelsey Lauren Bagwell - PhD Student
B.A. Anthropology, Mississippi State University
M.A. Anthropology, Georgia State University
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague
Alexander Belanger - PhD Student
B.S. Anthropology, Eastern Michigan University
B.S. Sociology, Eastern Michigan University
MSc Human Osteology and Paleopathology, University of Bradford (United Kingdom)
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Bioarcheology, Skeletal Biology, Human Osteology, Paleopathology, Prehistoric and
historic artifact analysis, Human health and illness studies, Kinship patterns, social
Krista Bennett - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Psychology, B.A. Anthropology, University of North Texas
M.A. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Forensic Anthropology, Skeletal Trauma, Osteology
Thomas Bergeron - MS Student
B.S. Geographic Information Science (GIS) with a minor in Geography, Louisiana Tech
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Political Geography/Geopolitics, Information Warfare,
and Human Conflict
Gabriella Boodhoo - MS Student
B.A. Anthropology, University of Central Florida
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Alex Broussard - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Heather McKillop
Archaeology of the Maya and Neolithic era
Alicia Cerquone - MS Student
B.S. Geography, SUNY, Geneseo
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS, impact of social infrastructure on crime, racial capitalism and urban decay
Reilly Corkran - PhD Student
B.S. Geography, Georgia Southern University
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier
Cultural Geography, climate change, extreme weather, coastal areas, environmental
justice, historic preservation, and human-environment interaction
Judas Cote - PhD Student
B.A. Anthropology with minors in English and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies,
University of Connecticut
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Catholocism, Indigeneity, Queerness, Power, Religious Music, New Religious Movements/Paganism,
Music Subcultures
Georgia Davis - MS Student
B.S. in Geography with concentration in Climatology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier
Climatology, Mapping, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis
Hannah Derouen - PhD Student
B.S. Anthropology-Sociology, Millsaps College
B.S. Neuroscience & Cognitive Studies, Millsaps College
Advisor: Dr. Helena Moura Fietz
sport anthropology, gender, queerness, ritual, performativity, embodiment, and osteology
Gwendal Dolou - PhD Student
B.S. Southern Brittany University, France
M.S. Bordeaux University, France
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
paleoclimate reconstruction, corals reefs, climate change
Camille Wilthew Dupuis - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Heather McKillop
Archaeology, Material Culture, Cultural Anthropology, 3D Imaging & Curation
Jordan Fazio - MS Student
B.S. Environmental Science/Natural Sciences, University of West Florida
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier & Dr. Barry Keim
Emily Fisher - MS Student
B.S. Environmental Science - Natural Sciences, University of West Florida
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier
GIS, remote sensing, spatial analysis, climate risks
Hannah Fitch - MA Student
B.S. Anthropology, University of Kentucky
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague
Skeletal Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology, Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology
Vanessa Foreman - MS Student
B.G.S. with minors in Geography and Health at University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS and Health & Medical Geography
Margaret Furtner - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. DePauw University
M.A. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Paleoanthropology, Remote Sensing, GIS, Machine Learning, 3D Imaging, Osteology, Dental
Maby Gavilan Abanto - PhD Student
B.S. Environmental Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konseor
Water Science, Hydroinformatics
Aliya Godoy - PhD Student
B.A. Anthropology, Fort Lewis College
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Biological Profile Analysis, Biocultural Anthropology, Victim Identification
Janique Gray - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology, University of New Orleans
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
SK Groll - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Case Western Reserve University
M.A. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Mary Jill Brody
Sociocultural and public anthropology, ethnography of social movements, political
economy, geography of resistance, politics of education, medical anthropology, body
ideals, gender, sexual health, adolescent cultures
Leo Guerrero - PhD Student
B.S. Civil Engineering, Universidad de Piura
M.S. Water Resources, Universidad de Piura
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Fluvial geomorphology, river morphodynamics, numerical modeling, large rivers, Amazonian
Amy Hair - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Michigan State University
M.A. The University of Southern Mississippi
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Bioarchaeology, Maya Archaeology, Histology, Labor and Subsistence Patterns, Geographic
Information Sciences, and Social Bioarchaeology
Kelly Bezdek Hinote - PhD Student
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
M.Ed. School Counseling, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Menopause/Perimenopause, Women's Lived Experiences, Generational Differences, Medical
and Biological Experiences for Women
Dwayne Hinton - PhD Student
A.A Baton Rouge Community College
A.S. Baton Rouge Community College
B.A. Louisiana State University
B.A.M.C. Louisiana State University
B.I.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Heather McKillop
Maya Archaeology, Underwater Archaeology,
3-D Imaging, Drones, Louisiana Mounds, Wood Identification, Botany
Reagan Hoehl - MA Student
B.S. History, Liberty University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Archeology, Lithics, Paleolithics
Corey Hoover - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.S. Anthropology, Geography, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
M.S. Cartography and GIS, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Advisors: Dr. David Chicoine & Dr. Kristine DeLong
Andean Archaeology, Networks, GIS Development, Remote Sensing, and Environmental Archaeology
Tanvir Hossain - PhD Student
B.S. Urban & Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
M.S. Environmental Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
M.S. Agricultural Economics, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS, Remote Sensing, Mapping, Hydrography
Rodney Hughes - PhD Student
B.F.A Pratt Institute
M.A. Union Theological Seminary
Advisor: Dr. Joyce M. Jackson
African spiritual traditions in the Americas, shamanic praxis, ritual artifacts, and
performance, comparative mystical and ecstatic traditions, deification,biblical prophecy,
and social justice
Md Muzahidul Islam - PhD Student
B.S. Geology and Mining, University of Barishal, Bangladesh
M.S. Geology and Mining, University of Barishal, Bangladesh
M.S. Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, numerical modeling of river and river delta hydro-morphodynamics,
hydrogeology, GIS, and remote sensing
Hannah J. Johnson - PhD Student
B.S. Anthropology, The University of Iowa
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Paleoanthropology, Osteology, Functional Morphology, Stone Tool Production and Use,
Multivariate Analysis, Morphometrics
Miracle Johnson - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Louisiana State University
B.S. Louisiana State University
MBA Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Joyce Jackson
Socialcultural and business anthropology, African American culture, identity and racial
Julia Johnston - PhD Student
B.A. in Anthropology, University of Notre Dame
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Bioarchaeology, Osteology, Paleopathology, Trauma, Museum Collections
Charlotte Jones - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.S. Urban Studies and Regional Planning, University of New Orleans
M.A. Tulane University
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Franzen
Historical Anthropology, human-environment interaction, multispecies ethnography,
historical geography, heritage management, Mississippi River Valley, animal studies,
Gulf Coast
Miles Jordan - PhD Student
B.A. Communication - Digital Media, University of Louisiana Monroe
M.F.A. Photography & Alaska Native Arts, University of Alaska
Advisor: Dr. Joyce Jackson
Pre & post-Katrina culture through the Katrina generation, culture similarities between
Louisiana & Alaska, and Malcom X's photography & Civil Rights Photography as a whole
Marisa Karpinski Gordy - PhD Student
B.S. University of Delaware
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Tornado climatology, natural hazards, risk perception, geographic vulnerability, climate
Manisha K C - MS Student
B.E. Geomatics Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
Remote Sensing, GIS, Digital Image Processing, Spatial Analysis, Photogrammetry &
Mat Keel - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Geography, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
M.A. Geography, University of California, Los Angeles
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Race, Trauma, Nature, Art, Ethnography, Film
Hyunjoong Kim - PhD Student
B.S. Anyang University, South Korea
M.S. Anyang University, South Korea
Advisor: Dr. Fahui Wang
Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Simulation Model, Spatial Disparity, Spatial Statistical
Analysis Method
Sudeep Kuikel - MS Student
B.E. Geomatics Engineering, Kathmandu University
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry, Spatial Analysis, Precision Agriculture, and
Disaster Risk Management
Dawson Lamb - PhD Student
B.A. Anthropology, University of Tennessee Knoxville
M.A. Anthropology, Georgia State University
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Foresnic Anthropology, Skeletal Age Estimation
Anthony Lanfranchi - PhD Student
B.S. Applied Forensic Sciences, Concentration in Forensic Anthropology, Mercyhurst
M.S. Forensic and Biological Anthropology, Mercyhurst University
Advisors: Dr. Juliet Brophy & Dr. Ginesse Listi
Skeletal Trauma Analysis, Forensic Taphonomy, Functional Morphology, and 3D Scanning
Jiyoung Lee - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Sungshin Women's University
M.A. Sungshin Women's University
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS, Geo visualization, Interactive map, Geospatial big data analysis, Remote Sensing
Hanqi Li - PhD Student
B.S. Northeast Forestry University
M.S. Wuhan University
Advisor: Dr. Fahui Wang
Spatial data analysis, applications of GIS in public health
Sonnet Mandell - PhD Student
B.A. Anthropology with a minor in International Studies, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
3D Imaging, Bioarchaeology, Biocultural Anthropology, Paleoanthropology, Material
Culture, Primatology, and Osteology
Heidi Mayeaux - MA Student
B.A. Psychology, Southeastern Louisiana University
B.A. Criminal Justice, Southeastern Louisiana University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Mesoamerican Archaeology, bioarchaeology, social structure, structural violence, paleobotany,
ancient foodways
Cora Mikolajczyk - MS Student
B.A. Anthropology, Texas Tech University
Advisor: Dr. Andrew Sluyter
Southeastern Colonial Geography, Gulfcoast Archaeology, and GIS
Sadé Miller - MS Student
B.S. Geography, SUNY Oneonta
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Climate Migration, Natural Hazards, Human-Environment Interactions, Community Resilience
Sarah Miller - MA Student
B.A. History & Liberal Arts with a concentration in Geography, McNeese State University
Advisor: Dr. Heather McKillop
Maya Archaeology
Conan Mills - MA Student
AAS Communications Application Technology, Community College of Air Force
AAS Information Resources Management, Community College of Air Force
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Digital Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Small Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (sUAS)
uses in Archaeology
Benjamin Moss - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.S. University of Oregon
M.A. Wichita State University
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague
Human osteology and the cranium
Christopher Nicosia - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Suny Oneonta
M.S. Illinois State University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Bioarchaeology, Skeletal Biology, Social Landscapes (i.e., Social Identity, Gender),
Paleopathology, Mortuary Patterning, Diet
Tolulope Olowu - PhD Student
B.S. Geography, Obafemi Awolowo University
M.S. Geography, Obafemi Awolowo University
Advisor: Dr. Steven Namikas
Coastal Hydrology, Catchment Interactions, Water Resources Evaluation, Climate Change
Effects on River Systems
Erika Ornouski - PhD Student
B.A. California State University, Sacramento
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Atmospheric rivers, orographic precipitation, precipitation stable isotopes; planetary
boundary layer processes, diurnal wind systems, wind energy; mountain, desert, and
coastal meteorology; climate/water resources of the U.S. Southwest
Kylie Palmer - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.S. Florida Gulf Coast University
B.A. Florida Gulf Coast University
M.S. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
Paleoclimate reconstructions, conservation paleobiology, paleoecology, marine biology/ecology,
coral reef ecology/biology, hurricanes, tropical climatology, climate change
Brett Patton - PhD Student
B.S. Biology, William Carey University
M.S. Renewable Natural Resources, LSU
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
Joseph Peterson - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology, University of New Orleans
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Social Complexity, Human Behavioral Ecology, and the Interface Between Tools and Cultural
Hemanta Pokharel - MS Student
B.S. Geology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
River Morphodynamics, Geomorphology, Engineering Geology
Mohammad Arif Foysal Rifat - PhD Student
B.S. Disaster Management, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
M.S. Disaster Management, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
Advisor: Dr. Sophie Moore
Urban Disasters and Climate Change
Kashif Rustamani - PhD Student
B.A. International Relations, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
M.Sc. Anthropology, Qauid i Azam University, Islamabad
MPhil Development Studies, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
Laurea Magistrale, University of Florence, Italy
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Franzen
Delving into the intersection of development, politics, public health and agriculture
sector; particularly how societies deal with social and climate change,
and how the changes in structures and policies
impact local communities and poor in the global South
Bijaylaxmi Sahoo - PhD Student
B.S. Mathematics, Utkal University, India
M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, National Institute of Technology, India
M.S. Oceanography, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
Remote Sensing, GIS, Numerical Modeling, Extreme Events, Climate Change, Land-Air-Sea
Sarah Seibold - MS Student
B.A. Geography, LSU
B.A. Anthropology, LSU
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Dew Point Climatology, Extreme Weather, Climate Change
Dylan Shoemaker - PhD Student
B.S. Earth Science, Iowa State University
M.A.T. Science Teaching, Iowa State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Fluvial geomorphology, cutoff evolution, sediment transport and erosion, anthropogenic
forcing in river systems
Sumaiya Siddique - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.S. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
M.S. Geography, Auburn University, Alabama
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Numerical modeling of river hydro-morphology, sediment transport and deposition, hydrogeology,
GIS and remote sensing
Brett Spencer - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.A. Kent State
M.A. University of New Orleans
Advisor: Dr. Andrew Sluyter
Historical geography of the Mosquitia (Honduras and Nicaragua), indigenous activism,
urban geography, Central American Caribbean
Mizbah Ahmed Sresto - MS Student
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (BURP), Khulna University of Engineering &
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
GIS, Remote Sensing, Using Machine Learning Methods for Environmental Modeling
Kathleen Staebell - MS Student
B.S. Iowa State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Numerical modeling of geomorphic systems, post-wildfire flooding, flood inundation
Gillian Stewart - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology & Classical Civilizations, University of Pittsburgh
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Human sacrifice, Bioarchaeology, Forensics, Taphonomy
Arielle Sutton - MS Student
B.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Derek Thompson - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.S. Western Kentucky University
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier & Dr. Vincent Brown
Meteorology, climatology, applied climatology, GIS, statistics, tropical cyclone size,
Madisyn Vogt - MA Student
B.A. English & B.A. Anthropology with a minor in History, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Cultural Anthropology, Ethnography of Muscular Femininity, Gender and Fitness Studies
Evan Wedgeworth - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Native American Archaeology, 3D Scanning, Cultural Anthropology, and Historical Anthropology
Walker Clemens Weindorf - MA Student
B.A. Geography & B.A. Spanish, Texas Tech University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Complex Societies, Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology
Tori Whiten - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology, Criminology, LSU
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague
Forensic Anthropology
Amy Wold - MS Student
B.S. Journalism, Western Washington University
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Jeanne Wood - MA Student
B.A. Anthropology & History, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Bone collections, 3-D Scanning, Hominin Dental Morphology
Yue Wu - PhD Student
B.S. Southwest Forestry University
M.S. Binghamton University
Advisor: Dr. Lei Wang
Spatial analysis, remote sensing in urban area, crime GIS, human-environment interaction
Skyler Yakes - PhD Student
B.A. Anthropology, University of South Carolina
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Skeletal trauma, paleopathology, age estimation
Lirong Yin - PhD Student
B.S. University of Iowa
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Lei Wang
Human and environment interaction, GIS
Yutian Zeng - PhD Student
B.S. Hainan University
M.S. East China Normal University
Advisor: Dr. Fahui Wang