Undergraduate Students

Forensic Anthropology Opportunities for Undergraduates

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Anthropology
  • Minor in Anthropology
  • No degree in Forensic Anthropology is offered
  • Courses in Forensic Anthropology are offered: ANTH 2014 (Intro to Forensic Anthropology) and ANTH 4014 (Forensic Anthropology)
  • Other courses related to Forensic Anthropology are offered sporadically
  • Undergraduates with an interest in Forensic Anthropology may apply for opportunities to learn in the FACES Laboratory. Material may include skeletal analysis and assisting with projects and research. Further details on the SDL Program can be found below.

Self-Directed Learner (SDL) Program

The SDL Program provides opportunities for undergraduate students to learn more about the "real world" of Forensic Anthropology and gain experience with human osteology. The program is designed to enable motivated students a space to learn and practice foundational skills. Students who meet the minimum eligibility qualifications may apply. A maximum of four new undergraduate students will be admitted into the program each fall semester.

The application for Fall 2024 is due by August 9, 2024. No late applications will be considered. 

Minimum Eligibility Qualifications

  • Enrolled as a full-time student at LSU - Baton Rouge
  • Declared Anthropology Major, with a preferred Biological Anthropology subfield. Anthropology minors may be considered if there are vacancies in the program.
  • Sophomore level or above at the start of the semester that application is submitted
  • Minimum cumulative LSU GPA of 3.20 at the time of application

Benefits of Program

  • Gain practical experience in human bone identification and biological profile estimation
  • Exposure to other forensic-related agencies and activities
  • Networking with other undergraduate students with common interests, as well as FACES lab graduate students and professional staff
  • Potential to participate in research projects
  • Reference for employment or graduate school

Application Process

Initial Steps

    • New SDL applications will only be accepted for fall semesters and must be submitted by midnight on August 9 of each year, as no late submittals will be considered.
    • Fill out and submit the application provided below
    • Submit a copy of your unofficial transcript to the Assistant Director, Dr. Wilson (tvwilson@lsu.edu), via email
    • Submit your statement of interest (200-500 words) explaining why you want to volunteer in the FACES Lab.
    • Submit your hours of availability for the Fall semester between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:30PM Monday through Friday.
    • Pending an invitation, schedule and attend meeting with the Assistant Director

Review Process

    • All applications will be reviewed at the same time, proceeding the due date
    • Once an application has been reviewed and Minimum Eligibility Requirements are verified, the Assistant Director will contact the student to schedule a meeting. Meetings will be scheduled on a first-to-respond, first-served basis. Preference for SDL slots will be given to upperclassmen. When all slots are filled, students with approved applications will be placed on a waiting list. These applicants may be admitted to the SDL Program in the spring semester if a slot opens up. Students who are denied admittance to the SDL program are welcomed to reapply the following fall semester.

Reasons that Applications May be Denied

    • Complete application was not received by the due date
    • Applicant does not meet the Minimum Eligibility Requirements
    • Statement of Interest (included in Application) is poorly written and/or does not meet the word minimum

Students Who are Admitted to the SDL Program

    • Students who are admitted to the program will be notified via email prior to the start of the semester
    • Students must reply to the Assistant Director to indicate their acceptance and submit their final school schedule within one week of the date of notification. Failure to respond within the given time frame or failure to attend the orientation will result in the automatic loss of SDL status.
    • Students must attend a mandatory orientation meeting which is typically scheduled during the first few weeks of classes in the fall semester

SDL Program Application

Applications for 2024-2025 academic year are due by August 9, 2024 at midnight.