June 2020
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Yearend Deadline Reminders
Departments are reminded of the remaining procurement deadlines.
Deadline |
Description |
6/25/20 (Thurs) |
Deadline to submit and approve Punch-out Requisitions/Purchase Orders. Note: Links to the Punch-out Catalogs (Supplier Websites) will be removed. |
6/26/20 (Fri) |
-Department’s submission of change orders to non-catalog purchase orders. Note: Change orders cannot be created on punch-out purchase orders.
-Department’s request to cancel/close punch-out POs that will not be delivered by
June 30th. Requests must be made via email to purchase@lsu.edu and include supplier documentation confirming order cancelled in their system.
6/29/20 (Mon) |
PO Change Orders “In Progress” will be denied. Note: Only POs in “Issued” status with an encumbrance balance greater than $0 will
roll forward to FY 21. |
6/30/20 (Tues) |
Goods/Services to be paid with FY 20 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020) funds must be
physically received/rendered. Note: Receipts created must be dated on or before June 30th. |
7/01/20 (Wed) |
Access to Punch-out Catalogs restored. |

COVID-19 Emergency Purchases
Departments are reminded that emergency purchases must be made within the University’s
prescribed Emergency Purchases guidelines. While the Governor of Louisiana has proclaimed
the State of Emergency, emergency purchases charged to the COVID-19 accounts should
only be made if an immediate and serious need for supplies, materials, equipment,
or services arises and it cannot be purchased by normal methods or through the mandated
contractor and the lack of which would seriously threaten:
- the functioning of state government,
- the preservation or protection of property, or
- the health or safety of any person.
Departments should attempt to follow purchasing guidelines as much as possible by
utilizing master/existing contracts or obtaining competitive pricing (written, telephone,
etc.). If not a punch-out catalog in Workday, a non-catalog requisition must be released
to Procurement, with attached documentation of the competition that was obtained or
attempted and the a business justification why normal procurement methods could not
be used to make the purchase. Justification must be signed by the department head
or the authorized representative. A separate email to the buyer including the requisition
number and attachments can be sent to expedite the purchase if needed.
If the requisition/purchase order process cannot be followed, Procurement should be
contacted when an emergency condition arises to obtain approval from the Assistant
VP of Procurement or her designee. The department is responsible for providing documentation
to justify COVID-19 related emergency purchases not done through a purchase order.
Remember…Poor planning does not constitute an emergency condition.
All COVID-19 purchases are subject to review by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) and State of Louisiana Governors’ Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Basic Gifts (BG) Accounts vs. Foundation Funds
Basic Gift (BG) accounts are University funding sources in Workday which are treated
like any other state-funded account. All normal procurement rules apply. BG accounts
can be established from any donor. The LSU Foundation is one of those “donors”. When
a basic gift is received, the revenue is put into the BG account. The LSU Foundation’s
account works a little differently…funds are not received until after they are expended.
At the end of the month, the foundation sends one lump sum payment to “reimburse”
the university for all foundation BG accounts.
“Foundation Funds” (formerly source F accounts in legacy) cannot be found in Workday.
These funds are managed by the LSU Foundation directly. Foundation purchases are typically
made with a credit card issued by the LSU Foundation or by submitting invoices to
the LSU Foundation to have a check issued.
Procurement of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Update
Click here to view the Update on Return To Campus Operations Relating to Sanitization Supplies and Personal
Protective Equipment communication issued by the Division of Strategic Communications.
Punch-out Catalog (Supplier Website) Orders
The Punch-out catalogs (supplier websites) in Workday are to provide goods and/or
services to maintain the operations for the University and the campuses/agencies we
serve. Products available are for convenience, however, the product mix takes into
account the needs of our institution based on purchase history and trends. Punch-out
catalogs can be used to establish a standing order for items a department may need
throughout the fiscal year. Departments are cautioned that the proposed term cannot
exceed 1 year or the supplier’s master contract term, whichever is the shortest of
the two.
Punch-out orders should not be used to enter into multi-year agreements (i.e. software) nor to procure enterprise-wide
solutions (i.e. Microsoft 360). Purchases such as these should be requested as a non-catalog
purchase so the requisition can route for buyer review for compliance and assurance
that the proposed agreement is within the supplier’s master contract term. Multi-year
agreements specifically must prove cost savings of 10% or more. Enterprise-wide solutions
require review to ensure prior agreements do not already exist and if so is it in
the University’s best interest to piggyback against the existing contract.

In the September 2019 release, Workday revamped the functionality of receipts. One
significant change was that much like Expense Reports when the “Create Receipt” task
is initiated a receipt number is generated and the receipt is placed in “Draft” status.
In a recent report, there are currently over 600 draft receipts. Draft receipts have
several downstream affects such as:
- preventing the creation of additional receipts
- preventing the creation of change orders
- preventing closure/cancellation of purchase orders
Departments are encouraged to use the “Find Receipts” report to identify draft receipts
associated with their orders and canceled them. The “Find Receipts” report can be
filtered by the PO number and Created By (Requester) name. Both the creator of the
receipt and someone with the Accountant-Department role can cancel a receipt. Job
aids have been made available and posted to the Workday Training webpage to provide step by step instructions on canceling receipts. Contact Procurement
at purchase@lsu.edu if you experience trouble canceling a receipt.
Business System Orders
Departments are reminded that orders placed through the AmeriPrint catalog, as with
all other punch-out catalogs, are not officially placed until a purchase order is
issued. While the supplier can see the pending order in their system they cannot take
action on the order until the Workday requisition/purchase order process is complete
including obtaining department approvals. The supplier’s delivery deadlines do not
start until after the supplier receives the issued purchase order. Prior to contacting
the supplier to inquire about an order, the requester should check the status of the
submitted requisition which should have a status of “Successfully Completed.” If not,
navigate to the process history to determine what approval is needed to continue processing
of the order.
Workday Line Splits
Workday allows the cost of a single transaction line to be split among multiple cost
centers. By splitting the line cost, a purchase for the same item(s) but paid by multiple
cost centers could be done as a single transaction as opposed to submitting multiple
orders. Line splits are done by Amount or Quantity. Note: The “By Amount” option cannot
be used for items charged to a trackable spend category (assets). The transaction
routes to all cost center managers associated with the cost centers in the split and
requires all approve in order to proceed to purchase order. Receipts for transactions
with line splits require allocation of the quantity/amount received to ensure the
appropriate amount is received per cost center.
The shipment of University purchases should be made to University addresses. However,
Workday addresses are tied to buildings and rooms and not to specific Cost Centers
or Departments. Departments whose address cannot be located in Workday should request
the addition of a new LSU address (building and/or room) or a non-LSU address for
shipping purposes. Non-LSU addresses are addresses added in Workday to permanently
allow shipment of University supplies/equipment.
A Request Framework has been created in Workday to allow departments to request the
creation of locations that currently do not exist in Workday. To begin this process,
type “Create Request” in the Workday search bar and select “Location Request” as the
request type.

The initiator will need to provide the following details to submit the location request:
- Address of the location
- Name of employee(s) who works at this location
- Is the location LSU owned or non-LSU owned
- Is the location a business or residential
- Is the location being enabled for shipping and if yes, why
- Is the location related to an approved telecommuting arrangement.
The request will route to the appropriate parties (HRM, Procurement, & Location Administration)
based on the information entered at the initiation step. Once the location has been
created, the initiator will receive a notification in Workday letting them know the
location has been created. Then the department should be able to select the new address
in requisitions.