March 2022 Agenda
Meeting Date: March 30, 2022
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Remote Attendance: Alex Basse, Elahe Russell, Craig Woolley, Julie Perkins, Sandi Gillilan, Stephen Beck, Kappie Mumphrey, Matthew LaBorde, Jacqueline Bach, Andy Maverick, Rudy Hirschheim, Tommy Smith, Chad Brackin, Jonathan Levesque, Peter Trentacoste
Absent: Bret Collier, Melanie Thornton
Presenters: Sumit Jain, Katie Bouey, Robin Ethridge, Ric Simmons
Others: Susan Crochet, David Alexander, Ken Boe, Fred Piazza
1. Administrative Announcements
2. Executive ITGC Updates [CIO]
3. Approval of the Minutes from the Meeting held on February 2, 2022
4. Research Technology Subcommittee Charter
5. PM-36 Draft Policy & Standards [Sumit Jain]
6. Audit Updates [Sumit Jain]
7. Data Governance Subcommittee Charter [Chair]
8. SIS Project Update [CIO, Robin Ethridge]
9. Call Center Software [CIO]
10. Classroom Technology Survey Results and Plan [CIO, Ric Simmons]
11. Destiny 1 [Kappie Mumphrey]
12. ITS ITGC Project List/Teams Telephony [Katie Bouey]
13. Information sharing/Announcements [All]
14. Suggested agenda items for future meetings, including ITS topics of interest [All]
15. Next steps/Follow-up items [Chair]
March 2022 Minutes
1. Administrative Announcements
The Chair introduced new Council member Matthew LaBorde representing Athletics. She also introduced new member Stephen Beck, chair of the Research Technology Subcommittee.
The CIO discussed storage limitations with the Zoom license. He shared some of the changes to Zoom including changing the default number of recordings per meeting to one instead of three. He also stated students would only be able to record meetings locally. He shared that recordings more than one year old would be deleted, but a special exception would be made for faculty with active links in Moodle.
2. Executive ITGC Updates
The CIO shared that the Executive IT Governance Council met recently to discuss subcommittees created under the charter.
3. Meeting Minutes Approval
February Council meeting minutes were approved with no revision. Motion to approve by Andy Maverick; second by Alex Basse.
4. Research Technology Subcommittee Charter
The Chair discussed changes to the Research Technology Subcommittee Charter, including the move from a system subcommittee to campus subcommittee. She stated that Stephen Beck, chair of the subcommittee, recommended a new area be added to the Charge: identification of technology driven impediments or barriers to research activities on campus.
Stephen Beck stated need for subcommittee to include members who could provide feedback from faculty on specific technology issues. There was a brief discussion concerning the language used in the Membership Composition section of the charter.
Motion to approve the charter by Rudy Hirschheim; second by Andy Maverick.
Council Member Vote
Sandi Gillilan
Tommy Smith
Alex Basse
Andy Maverick
Bret Collier
Chad Brackin
Elahe Russell
Matthew LaBorde
Jonathan Levesque
Julie Perkins
Melanie Thornton
Peter Trentacoste
Rudy Hirschheim
The Chair stated the charter would be presented to campus leadership for approval and the subcommittee would begin work in the fall semester.
5. PM-36 Draft Policy & Standards
Sumit Jain, ITS, gave an overview of the IT Risk Management Policy Statement as it related to Security Assessment and Risk Management. He discussed security assessment standards including timing, entity, scope, approvals, tools and technologies, and reporting and retention. He also discussed risk management standards including risk management program, risk assessment, risk analysis, and risk mitigation.
There was a brief discussion concerning the time frame and frequency of security and risk assessments.
Sumit also gave an overview of the Personnel Policy Statement, including security responsibilities in relevant job descriptions. He also discussed the employee lifecycle standard, including recruiting, onboarding, and termination or change of status. He discussed the need for background checks, whether the employee is full-time, part-time, or a student employee.
There was a brief discussion concerning input on the Policy Statements from Human Resources and other functional teams.
6. Audit Updates
Sumit gave an update on the IT Governance audit findings. He informed the Council that draft policies concerning encryption would be the next set of policies and standards to be discussed with the Department IT Subcommittee. He stated that work effort concerning roles and responsibilities, security risk assessment, and security/compliance reporting is ongoing with varying stages of completion. Sumit also discussed work effort on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Encryption Key Management and Password Management solutions, and VPN Security. He stated that several projects such as Secure Email and Phishing Program have been completed. He also shared that significant strides have been made at incorporating state requirements into the Security Awareness Program, and it will be completed once the related policies and standards have been approved at the campus level. He stated changes have been made to processes and procedures for physical security in sensitive areas at ITS, and added that policies and standards are being developed for the rest of the campus. Sumit also gave brief updates on Backup Management Encryption, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), website certificates, and mobile device management.
Chad Brackin added that once items in the audit have been marked complete, follow-up testing would need to be performed where appropriate.
There was brief discussion concerning the availability of an overview on how operations would change for faculty, staff, and students.
7. Data Governance Subcommittee Charter
The CIO stated work is being performed on a Data Governance Subcommittee Charter for the LSU A&M campus. He stated the need for having a data governance process. He shared that the strategic committee would consist of leaders from key data areas such as Enrollment Management, Office of the Registrar, Finance & Administration, Office of the Provost, ITS, and Institutional Research, and added that at least one subcommittee would be created. He stated that the strategic committee would be the authoritative source behind ensuring certain policies and procedures are in place to protect data and make sure it is accurate, with a lot of the work done by the subcommittee. He shared with the Council that the draft charter would be available at the next Council meeting.
The Chair shared that Mark Bieger, Vice President of Strategy, has a great deal of interest in promoting data across campus. She added that the subcommittee will be very instrumental as the University begins to expand what it can do with data lakes, data warehouses, and business analytics.
8. SIS Project Update
Robin Ethridge, ITS, introduced herself and informed the Council she will be serving as Deployment Director for the Workday Student Project. Robin gave an update on the Workday Student Project. She stated the project has a 59-month deployment with four institutions going live. Cohort 1, consisting of LSU A&M and LSU-Eunice, will go live beginning in the fall of 2024 and finishing in the summer of 2025. The project will conclude with Cohort 2, consisting of LSU-Alexandria and LSU-Shreveport, in fall of 2026. She stated the preparation stage was completed with the project kick-off meeting that took place on March 24th. She gave an overview of the plan stage, which includes discovery sessions, workbooks to support planning workshops, customer training, data conversion projects, and implementing platform assessment recommendations. She added that Workday will build the foundation tenant in August and September and will begin business process design sessions needed for the next stage. Robin gave a brief overview of the program goals and objectives that were originally set forth at the presidential level, including modernized student system and supporting systems, configurable, streamlined processes, and comprehensive multi-institutional deployment. She also discussed the project’s guiding principles, including transparency, consensus, timely implementation, and flexibility & adaptability. Robin shared with the Council the projects that would take place concurrently with the implementation of Workday Student, including development and deployment of Data Warehouse, implementing solutions with new or legacy SIS dependencies, and decommissioning of legacy systems. She also gave a brief overview to highlight the governance model and structure of the staffing plan for the Workday Student Project. She discussed Workday workstreams and various workstream teams, as well as how issues and decisions are escalated through various levels. Robin also informed the Council that, due to the complexity of the project, the University would institute a formal change control process with the objective of minimizing risk to the project timeline budget. She stated that there are two types of changes, Workday Student changes and non-Workday/Legacy System changes. Any non-Workday changes would undergo a project intake request, process review, project tier classification, A&M IT Governance Council review if required, and project initiation. She added that possible alternative workarounds would be investigated for non-Workday changes.
9. Classroom Technology Survey Results & Plan
The CIO stated that a survey on classroom technology was sent to faculty, which resulted in 325 submissions. He shared that the results indicated a need for improved hybrid capabilities in the classrooms.
Ric Simmons, ITS, indicated that there are two types of classrooms, those scheduled by the University Registrar (which are classified as Tier 1), and those managed by individual departments. He stated the need to have a consistent experience across both types of classrooms. Ric briefly discussed the available technology in those rooms, which includes PC with speakers, document camera, projector and screen, laptop interface cables, and push button switching. He sated the goal of the project is to upgrade classrooms to Tier 2, which will include touchscreen switching, room PA system, USB switcher, and auto-tracking camera. He shared additional ideas resulted from meeting with the Education Technology Committee, including wireless displays for students to share content, closed captioning, and voice activation for slide advance.
The CIO shared that funding is available to upgrade 50 classrooms in the fall to better hybrid teaching capabilities. He added that he is meeting with various groups on campus for input on how to determine which classrooms get upgraded. There was a brief discussion concerning lifecycle replacements for the new technology.
10. Information Sharing/Announcements
The Chair shared with the Council that the Uber Tech Subcommittee is now called the Education Technology Subcommittee.