Stacie Milburn, PhD

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Stacie Milburn, PhD

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice

PhD: Information Science, University of North Texas, 2024

Master's Degree(s): MLIS, University of North Texas, 2017

Bachelor's Degree(s): BA, University of North Texas, 2014

223 Peabody Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
O: (225) 578-4695
F: (225) 578-4581




Stacie Milburn is an Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in the School of Information Studies at Louisiana State University. She received a PhD in Information Science from the University of North Texas. Stacie’s dissertation explored the collaborative relationship between school librarians and teachers of life skills services. Stacie received her BA in History, then earned an MLIS in Library and Information Science from the University of North Texas. Previously, Stacie was an instructor of record at the University of North Texas. She also has experience working as a teacher and a school librarian in Dallas and Parker Counties in Texas. 

Courses Taught

LIS 7000 Information and Society

Research Areas

School libraries, special populations in the library, literacy, digital literacy, information literacy, and librarian leadership.

Selected Publications

Zeleke, M., Hong, L., Kaz-Onyeakazi, I., Smith, D., Milburn, S., & Esener, Y. (2023). # NoMore: An analysis of topics and sentiments indicative of the war in Ethiopia. iConference 2023 Proceedings.

Smith, D., Milburn, S., Esener, Y., & Colby, D. (2022). Teachers perceptions of one-to-one laptop implementation: Suggestions for the role of school librarians. School Library Research, 25.

Smith, D., Milburn, S., Colby, D., Esener, Y., & Gill, D. (2021, September). What is important for survival?: The analysis of a school librarians COVID-19 blog post corpus. In IASL Annual Conference Proceedings.

Milburn, S. (2021). Collaboration of school librarians and teachers of life skills services. Specific Populations.

Milburn, S. (2021). Turning advocacy into action: Inclusive makerspaces. In International Association of School Librarianship. Selected Papers from the... Annual Conference (pp. 1-2). International Association of School Librarianship.

Selected Presentations

Gill, D., Milburn, S., & Colby, D. “Collaborative Wellness Strategies for Underserved Students.” TCEA Librarian Conference, Online, 2024.

Smith, D., Colby, D., Milburn, S., Ogbadu-Oladapo, L., & Kaz-Onyeakazi, I. “Partnering for Success of English Learners.” American Library Association, Baltimore, MD, 2024.

Zeleke, M., Hong, L., Kaz-Onyeakazi, I., Smith, D., Milburn, S., & Esener, Y. “#NoMore: An Analysis of Topics and Sentiments Indicative of the War in Ethiopia.” iConference, Online, 2023.

Milburn, S. “Collaboration of School Librarians and Teachers of Life Skills Services.” Association for Library and Information Science Education, Online, 2021. 

Colby, D., & Milburn, S. “The Evolving Principals’ Perceptions of School Librarians as Leaders.” Multi-Disciplinary Information Research Symposium, Online, 2021.

Awards & Honors

Honorable Mention for ALISE Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition